Jarosław Kożuch

Of Counsel

adwokat Jarosław Kożuch


Jarosław Kożuch Of Counsel

tel: +48 22 428 13 91jaroslaw.kozuch@stanek-legal.pl

Jarosław Kożuch is a tax specialist, graduated from the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University in Wrocław.In 1998 he has completed the post-graduate studies organized by the Ministry of Finance for the executives of administration for customs.

Jarosław is a former Director of the Fiscal Control Office in Częstochowa (1993 to 1997) and Director of this office from 1997 to 1998. He has also performed his function of a third degree fiscal control inspector. From 1999 to 2001 he was a vice director of the Tax Inspection Office in Katowice leading the branch office of the Tax Inspection Office in Częstochowa.

Jarosław deals mainly with tax inspection issues conducting tax proceedings.