Monthly Archives: May 2014


Dr. Remigiusz Stanek commented on the issue of collective actions against mBank. The statement has been used in the article: “Ripped off” may cost mBank 120 million PLN. They get nothing? The article available at:;moga;kosztowac;mbank;120;mln;zlotych;nic;nie;dostana,81,1,1531217.html


Stanek Legal and Finalyse conducted a packet seminar addressed to the Business Center Club members. Seminar concerned the application of EMIR Regulation among Polish entrepreneurs, related obligations of entities concluding derivatives contracts and their potential liability.


Dr. Remigiusz Stanek commented on the implementation process of the EU law. Article titled How does Poland cope with EU law? published in Gazeta Wyborcza daily. Link to the article:,101562,15919293,Jak_Polska_radzi_sobie_z_unijnym_prawem_.html