

STANEK LEGAL as a member of the U-Recommendation working group appointed at the Polish Bank Association. The aim of the group is to answer the interpretation issues arising in the context of the U-Recommendation issued by the Financial Supervision Commision. The representatives of STANEK LEGAL are Dr Remigiusz Stanek, managing partner STANEK LEGAL and Mr. 


Dr Remigiusz Stanek, managing partner at law firm STANEK LEGAL and Piotr Pisarewicz, of Counsel at STANEK LEGAL as participants of the BANKING FORUM & INSURANCE FORUM, on October 22, 2014. At the conference Dr Remigiusz Stanek shall take part in the panel discussion “Reputational risk of the financial industry in the context of creating 


Dr Remigiusz Stanek, Managing Partner at law firm STANEK LEGAL was the speaker at the Conference “Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) – formulating a strategy for a client identification and verification for FATCA purposes.” The lecture covered i.a. the identification rules regarding the new customers group, clients situation research and monitoring as well as